Frequently Asked Questions
What are the requirements for teaching English abroad?
Most employers require a Bachelors degree to teach abroad. A Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) certification is quite often required, and it helps you be more prepared for teaching in abroad. There are many different certification programs to choose from, but you should make sure that you get actual teaching hours to practice before you leave. The biggest thing you’ll gain is confidence in your teaching abilities – a little practice can really go a long way to making you a great English teacher.
What is this TESOL certification?
TESOL stands for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. This can take you all across the globe in exciting adventures, and it can even take you to your own back yard here in the good ol’ USA with the numerous international people that move here to work and learn. So investing in your future by taking a TESOL course now can set a foundation for an exciting and productive career as an English language teacher. Adventure awaits.
I don't have an undergraduate degree. Would I be eligible to apply?
Most programs through ACFED USA require you to have a completed undergraduate degree from an accredited/recognized university. However, you may qualify for a volunteer program. Please feel free send us a message about your interest and we can check out some various opportunities that could fit your qualifications and interests.
Do I need to sign a contract to teach abroad?
Most schools require you to sign a contract, and it is in your best interest to get your obligations and benefits in writing before you head out. These contracts are most likely for a yearlong position, usually running from September to June of the following year.
Is it necessary to speak the language of the country I teach in?
Reassuringly the answer is no. These students have paid for a complete immersion English class, so it is suggested that even if you do know that language that you keep to English at all times. Being a native English speaker is all that is required for you linguistically.
What is an average salary, what is the cost of living?
This really does vary from country to country and city to city for both salary and cost of living. While some areas may pay higher salaries be sure to take into consideration that the cost of living is most likely higher there.
What are the benefits of teaching abroad?
– Opportunities to meet new people and be immersed in the culture of a new land
– Great place to get started in an educational career or jumpstart working abroad
– Opportunity to save up to pay off college loans
– Many opportunities to travel and explore
– Each specific job placement has perks and rewards unique to that city and company
I am not a native English speaker, but I speak English fluently. Am I still eligible to apply?
Most of our partner schools prefer to hire native English speaking teachers, but there are some schools that accept non-native speaking teachers. If you are a non-native speaker who is fluent in English and you have no accent, then you are still eligible to apply.
Will I be responsible for paying for my own airfare?
Whether airfare is included will depend on the school or position to which you are applying. Some schools will provide return airfare, some provide one-way airfare, and some will ask you to pay for your own flight.
Do schools offer free housing?
Many schools provide or subsidize housing, and those that do not will often assist you in finding a suitable place to live.
What kind of visa will I need for teaching abroad?
For most countries, you will need to apply for and obtain a work visa prior to your departure. Our partners in the countries you teach in will assist you in your visa application process.