Jun 9, 2018 | English Language Teaching
It’s important to use a student loan calculator to estimate your monthly payments and see how much interest you’ll be charged for your loans, even when it comes to student loan refinance programs. If you don’t know how much interest your student...
Dec 22, 2016 | English Language Teaching
After receiving a bachelor’s degree, TESOL certification or passing the IELTS Examination after taking an IELTS preparation class, you’re probably thinking about teaching English in another country. Teaching English abroad might just be one of the most rewarding...
Dec 22, 2016 | English Language Teaching
Class rules I could have just jumped straight to the fun an games but first comes rules. It is important to have class rules, otherwise chaos will keep you from teaching and your students from learning. Some teachers like to get the students themselves to make posters...
Dec 22, 2016 | English Language Teaching
Teaching is one of the most challenging jobs in the world, but may also be the single most rewarding career one can pursue. How can a job be insanely difficult – yet amazingly rewarding at the same time? The answer is not quite so straight...
Dec 22, 2016 | English Language Teaching
The diversity among adolescents is staggering. In the human lifespan, the period we define as adolescents ( 13-19) is characterized by the widest range of differences between one human being and another. Timing and pacing of adolescent maturation is uneven and...
Dec 22, 2016 | English Language Teaching
As a mother to 3 African American grown children and 3 white children, here’s the information I’d want my kids to have before they decided if they wanted to live in China or in any Asian country. My Ethiopian son, Allen, and his lovely wife, Laura, did...