TESOL TEFL Certification Course – 120 Hour Online Course

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This course includes quizzes, assignments and a final exam. Your account expires 6 months from the date you register or when you complete the final exam, whichever comes first.


2. Cultural Awareness and Culture Shock

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Cultural Awareness   Then, read this article: What is Cultural Awareness? How Do I Build It?     Culture Shock You will never perfectly adjust to life in a foreign culture, but that’s ok, you going into this with clear perspective will allow you the to be flexible when things get hard. If you’re in […]

3. The Language, School Culture and Apps of Your New Country

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8 Tips for Learning a New Language While Abroad 1. Learn the Correct Pronunciation Starting with pronunciation first does a few things—because I’m first and foremost learning how to hear that language’s sounds, my listening comprehension gets an immediate boost before I even start traditional language learning. Once I start vocabulary training, I retain it better […]

4. Educational Psychology


Why Study Educational Psychology A teacher is like a philosopher who guides his student. She is responsible for beinge knowledgeable. about growth and development of the students. It is educational psychology which enables the teacher to use various techniques. The importance of educational psychology and teachers has the following points: Educational Psychology helps teachers to […]

5. Second Language Acquisition


Can adults learn a second language in the same way they learned their first as children? And if so, what are the implications for the classroom? Stephen Krashen and the acquisition of languages Perhaps no-one has looked at the question more closely than the linguist Stephen Krashen, who has introduced some of the most influential concepts to the study of second-language acquisition. In […]

6. English Teaching Methods


Make Your Speech Comprehensible When speaking to English language learners, make sure you are speaking in comprehensible input. That doesn’t mean to talk louder or to use incorrect English. However, use simpler words, shorter sentences and vocabulary that your students probably already know. Read: https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:How_to_write_Simple_English_pages http://www.online-utility.org/english/readability_test_and_improve.jsp http://datayze.com/readability-analyzer.php http://datayze.com/difficult-word-finder.php Different Approaches to Language Teaching If you’re […]

7. Classroom Management


Classroom Management Classroom management skills are described in this lesson and teachers given guidelines on how to properly manage large numbers of students, which is often the norm in English language classrooms. Videos: Watch all 23 in this 1 hour playlist If you’re in China, watch the single video on Youku. Video: Setting the Tone from […]

8. Lesson Planning and Teaching Resources

There are multiple ways to write a lesson plan and you will learn several variations. The most important part is that you do PLAN! Your objectives are especially important because they will allow you be aware of whether your students know if they have accomplished the targets set to be achieved. If you do not plan, you risk […]

9. Teaching Pronunciation


Teaching pronunciation is one of the most important skills that native English speaking teachers can offer when teaching English abroad. Pronunciation involves far more than individual sounds. Word stress, sentence stress, intonation, and word linking all influence the sound of spoken English, not to mention the way we often slur words and phrases together in […]

10. Teaching Listening

Speaking and listing

Teaching listening skills is one of the most difficult tasks for any ESL teacher. This is because successful listening skills are acquired over time and with lots of practice. It’s frustrating for students because there are no rules as in grammar teaching. Speaking and writing also have very specific exercises that can lead to improved […]

11. Teaching Writing


Teaching writing to ELLs (English Language Learners) usually requires significant teacher time for editing but it’s a very important part of teaching English when your students are preparing to study abroad in an English speaking country. Here’s an example of writing corrections made on italki.com for a Chinese student who is an intermediate language learner. […]

12. Teaching Reading

Reading skills are essential at any stage, but for ESL students this skill can be quite challenging, especially when their first language, such as Chinese, doesn’t use the same letters as English. Read: Phonics Exemplary Practice in Literacy Conquer the Code Connecting the Dots – Reading Research Stages of Reading Development By: Pacific Resources for […]

13. Teaching Conversational English Speaking

Discussion board

The ability to have a fluid conversation in English is the primary goal of many ESL students. However, one of the biggest hurdles for students is the fear of making mistakes, particularly in front of their peers. Because of this, it’s important to create an atmosphere that not only accepts errors but also encourages students […]

14. Teaching Vocabulary and Idioms


Teaching vocabulary to English language learners (ELLs) is an important part of students’ language development, but making the most of vocabulary instruction requires careful planning. Which words will be most useful in a new lesson and other settings?  What kinds of practice can educators offer so that students master the meanings of new words rather […]

15. Teaching Grammar


How to Teach Grammar Analyze language Make assumptions Identify problems and make solutions Decide what to focus on Present, revise, and extend Test, Teach, Test! There are two ways to teach grammar. Meaning to form or Form to meaning. The process of teaching grammar is presentation, practice, and production. When native English-speaking teachers teaching in […]

16. Teaching Very Young Learners


Strategies for Teaching Young Learners • Use key vocabulary words such as No, Yеѕ, Rеѕt Rооm, nееd, fіnіѕhеd, and extra. • Use ѕоngѕ with movements to teach specific instructions, like the song ‘Sіmоn Says’. • Uѕе rереtіtіvе songs, chants аnd rhymes to improve vосаbulаrу аnd teach sentence structure. i.e. Everybody sits in a сіrсlе. Gоіng […]

17. Teaching English with Stories and Drama

Using plays or drama in the language classroom can be both enormously rewarding and enjoyable for teachers as well as students. Drama offers opportunities to simulate real-life situations and draws on the creativity of students. It’s also great for the many students who prefer physical engagement in their learning Read: https://busyteacher.org/21551-stories-esl-classroom.html http://www.onestopenglish.com/children/skills-and-methodology/teaching-young-learners/teaching-young-learners-how-to-use-stories-in-the-classroom/556440.article Read: http://www.fluentu.com/english/educator/blog/esl-drama/ https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/article/drama-children-1 Reasons for Incorporating […]

Final Exam Study Guide


Final Exam Study Guide Purpose What are some long term differences that you can make teaching English overseas? How can you maximize the positive effect that you have on the lives of your students, fellow teachers and on society? Developmental and Educational Psychology Define the Zone of Proximal Development. How can you apply it in […]